ZZ Top – The Myth – St. Paul, MN – August 6, 2013


It’s raining profusely in Maplewood, Minnesota on the evening on August 6, 2013.  That doesn’t stop the droves of ZZ Top fans from invading The Myth Nightclub, eager to see the band that has remained popular since 1969.  As the storm continues, the club begins to get packed from the floor to the bar and even the suites.  It’s a different atmosphere at the club, one that is very used to seeing its younger crowds.  Everyone, with a few exceptions, is at least in their forties, changing the overall feel of the show.  There’s very little movement on the floor and it is a concert where one sees far fewer cell phones taking photos than a usual Myth show.  Still, that detours no one from having a great time.

The stage is very clear during the show, housing merely a three man band, a drum kit, and other standard equipment.  It shows how incredibly large the stage is, surprising many.  They take to the stage in typical fashion, looking like near doppelgangers of one another with their matching signature beards, sunglasses, hats, and purple guitars.  The show features a variety of tunes from several different eras.  From audience reactions, there appears to be a song for everyone, including hits such as “Gimme All Your Lovin’”, “Sharp Dressed Man”, “Legs”, “Tube Snake Boogie”, and more.  They also do a cover of the Jimi Hendrix classic, “Foxy Lady” as well as Elvis’, “Jailhouse Rock”.

Overall, the show was quite enjoyable.  It is notable that many feel there could have been more of a stage show.  That aspect of the concert emphasizes the age of the band, as many wish they would have done more in regards to movement and design, as the only design they had on the stage was the video screen and the changes they had were when they switched to the fuzzy guitars near the end of the set.  However, no one can say anything negative in regards to their sound.  With the sound of the band, it feels apparent that they could continue touring for years to come.

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