The Book of Mormon – Orpheum Theater. Minneapolis MN – December 10th, 2024
The Book of Mormon – Orpheum Theater. Minneapolis MN – December 10th, 2024
Review by Amie Bresnahan
LOL!!! I should have known coming from the creators of South Park what I might be in for with this musical…but I was not at all prepared for the hilarity that was to ensue. It is a must-see if you are a fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s work. They, along with Robert Lopez, wrote one of the most successful musicals of all time that has been running in various forms since it’s debut in 2011.
To try and explain the story would give away too much for the first time viewer. I went in with only the knowledge that the story revolves around missionaries going to Africa to spread the word of God and they are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints…and it was written by South Park creators. That should be all you need to know to get a fairly good idea of what you might be in for!
As with any work by Parker and Stone, the songs are fun, engaging and not at all reserved in message; in other words, be prepared for a lot of cursing. Some of the standouts in my opinion are when the missionaries learn about how the villagers in Uganda help themselves feel better with “Hasa Diga Eebowai”, when Elder Cunningham prepares to take on a larger role in the mission with “Man Up” and Elder Price’s dream turned nightmare in “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream”.
The entire cast of this touring performance was spectacular, however, in my opinion Diego Enrico (Elder Cunningham) along with Keke Nesbit (Nabulungi) lead the production with energy, humor and confidence. Both cast members are also making professional and touring debuts which is fun to see their acting dreams come true.
The show is only in town for a few days, with performances through December 15th . I suggest you buy the tickets and treat yourself to a LOL show for this holiday season.
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