Suicide Girls Blackheart Burlesque – Minneapolis, MN – November 29, 2013

Written by Tracy Hansen.  Photography by Kyle Hansen of RKH Images.

The Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, Minnesota is sold out to a crowd that is partially unsure of what to expect.  Regardless, they are excited, many eager to see a burlesque show for the first time or simply to see the Suicide Girls come off their touring hiatus.

Many have been in the club since later in the afternoon, as the show offered several types of VIP packages.  One of the higher ones includes early admission with premier seating and a meeting with the girls.  Others crowd in front of the doors before opening, excitedly bearing through the cold weather.  As they gather inside the club, it is easy to see why The Varsity Theater is such an ideal location of this, or any, burlesque show.  Easily, it is one of the more beautiful clubs in the city, a perfect setting for both elegant and extravagant events alike.

Both men and women crowd the stage dressed in anything from casual wear to formal wear as the first performance takes place.  Three Suicide Girls perform a number to Bjork’s “Army of Me” to shrieking fans, followed by an introduction by Catherine Suicide.  Catherine strongly encourages the use of phones, telling the audience that they will be randomly choosing fans backstage that tag them in Instagram and granting them free membership.  Needless to say, the phones are in the air throughout the night, filming and snapping photos.

The night continues with a number of unforgettable performances based around TV and film such as, “Planet of the Apes”, “The Big Leboski”, “Game of Thrones”, “Kill Bill”, and many more.  Each girl has their own style, which makes for a show which appeals to a varied amount of people.  For example, the music played in each performance ranges from Marilyn Manson to MIA, Bjork, and several others, giving spectators even more than a show to watch, but listen to as well.

One of the more fun and interactive moments of the show is when three audience members are invited on stage to perform a striptease for the audience.  The hilarious decision is then made to pull a man onstage as well, who easily steals the show from the two women on either sides of him.  Other major highlights of the show include the inclusion of Troy McClure’s “Dr. Zaius” in the “Planet of the Apes” act, the incredibly well done “Kill Bill” segment, and the finale which was based around the “Star Wars” films.

It’s a sad moment for all when the show comes to a close, as it is easy to see that the audience could go for another hour of performances.  Everyone from the spectators to performers appear to have a really fun evening and it’s empowering to see these women take charge of everything in such a sex crazed, yet entertaining way that is appealing to men, but to women as well.  Here’s hoping that they don’t go on another lengthy touring hiatus because Minneapolis would be happy to have them back.