Machine Head – Skyway Theater – Minneapolis MN – January 30th 2024
Skyway Theater present MACHINE HEAD w/ Fear Factory, Orbit Culture and Gates To Hell – Slaughter The Martour North America Tour
Review and photos by Kyle Hansen
So glad this tour got to us in Minneapolis. When it was announced it was a must on my list for metal concerts this year. The show is in the Lyric at The Skyway Theater. The Skyway used to be a movie theater in the 70’s and 80’s. They took the place and ripped out the screens, took out the seats and built a concert venue. Now the great thing is the interior is still the same from then. So you get these awesome orange and black curtains and you can see where the seats were removed. It works great for a venue. Every time I go in I just remember seeing the Muppet Movie there as a kid.
Gate of Hell opened the show. These guys are from Louisville Kentucky and rip it up. They have one album and a bunch of singles under their belt. They are heavy, so if you dig really heavy stuff check this guys out.
Orbit Culture was next. They are a Swedish Death Metal band. I see them more like Slayer meets Metallica. The buzz around the show was that a lot of people were there for them. Orbit has been around for over ten years and has eight albums and a ton of singles. These guys I found more melodic then Gates. Not that I didn’t like Gates they were just more heavy for my taste. THese guys had great vocals and wicked riffs.
Fear Factory has been a staple to metal since they came out. Now the thing with this show is Milo Silvestro is now the new lead singer of Fear Factory. He did an amazing job replacing Burton. The band rocked through 30 years of music with a nine song set. Hitting almost all their release and two songs from their latest release Aggression Continuum.
Machine Head is just amazing live. It has been sic years since they were in town. I have seen them over a dozen times and every single time these guys bring it. Last time I saw them was opening for Heaven & Hell with Megadeth and Ronnie Jame Dio and the boys. The stage was huge for these guys and the lights and screens were amazing. The crowd was way into them with a circle pit going the whole show. A few dudes flew over the crowd and I even got nailed right in the chest with a beer. First time in 14 years in the pit to get hit. Not a bad record. The setlist gave the most songs from Of Kingdom and Crown and covered over 25 tears of tunes.
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