SYM1, DIVAJ and Scraps Triple EP Release Party – 7th St Entry – Minneapolis MN – May 26th 2022

SYM1 – 7th Street Entry -Minneapolis MN – May 26th 2022

Review and photos by Sophiea Owen

There’s something magical about local shows. Last Thursday I had the privilege of attending a triple EP release party at 7th Street Entry. On an otherwise sleepy Thursday night, the tiny room was already bumping with bass by the time I arrived about a half hour before the show. The thing I like about the Entry is its intimacy. You can get a solid view of the stage from just about anywhere, and there’s a solid break line between the dance floor and the back, so you can choose to participate in the throng or enjoy the show from the back.It was fairly empty when I got there, but filled up surprisingly fast. By the time the first act went up there was a solid crowd, which was wonderful to see. I’ve seen an opener play to about five people all too many times. That wasn’t the case here. People were ready to party.

The first act was scraps, playing what she essentially said was her first live performance.You wouldn’t know it from watching her. She took the stage with a bubbly joy to her, and won the audience over almost immediately with choreographed dances and what she calls “bratpop.” It was a wonderful mix of sexy and cute, and it had an infectious fun to it. She was on the floor, tromping around the stage, and just generally having a blast of the time, which made it easy to go along with her.Her EP, “in the rough” is available to stream now on Spotify.

Next up was Diva J, who took the stage with a fiery and powerful presence. Utilizing more rap elements into their pop, as well as outfit changes, extra performers, and featuring another artist, Maevuim, their entire set was a celebration of local BIPOC, femme, and LGBTQ talent.The energy was constant, and Diva J’s stage presence was impossible to look away from. I was transfixed the entire time by everything that was going on.Their EP, “Queen of the FVCKBOI!$” is available to stream now on Spotify.

Last but certainly not least was SYM1, the Twin Cities’ self-proclaimed resident “DigitalOverlord.” And boy, does she deliver on that title. I had listened to her EP already by the time I got to see her, and her music is good on it’s own, but seeing her perform it life was a total experience. Choreographed dances, flashing lights, robot-garbed background dancers, multiple outfits and props, paired with a strong and piercing presence and voice to match,SYM1 is a force to be reckoned with. She deserved a bigger stage for sure, but made the entire room her own. The polish of her performance was amazing to see, and honestly just plain fun.The sci-fi themed hyper pop was well-crafted, well-produced, and well-performed.

She brings an entire aesthetic along with her music, which obviously isn’t necessary but really makes an impact. It felt like a well-rounded and complete experience. I would recommend anyone catch a show of hers; she is someone to keep an eye on for sure.Her EP, “ALL THAT U WANT” is available to stream now on Spotify.All in all, this night was a celebration. The community, joy, and love was abundant as a bunch of local artists brought their all to entertain, lift up, and celebrate each other. I saw nothing but smiles in the audience, and it felt amazing to see and be able to experience it. It was one of the most positive shows I’ve been to in a long time, where everyone was supportive of everyone. I’m hoping to see a lot more of these shows in the local scene.