Queens of the Stone Age – The Armory – Minneapolis MN – September 17th 2023

Live Nation and The Armory present Queens of the Stone Age

On September 17th, 2023, The Armory in Minneapolis was electrified by the presence of Queens of the Stone Age. From the moment they took the stage, the energy was palpable. The crowd was ready for a night of raw rock and roll.

The band opened with “No One Knows.” The familiar riff sent waves of excitement through the audience. Josh Homme’s vocals were powerful, cutting through the noise with ease. The band’s tight performance set the tone for the evening.

“Go With the Flow” followed, keeping the momentum high. The crowd sang along, their voices merging with Homme’s in a perfect blend. The light show enhanced the experience, casting dramatic shadows and vibrant colors across the stage.

Queens of the Stone Age showcased their versatility throughout the night. They performed both new tracks and classic hits. “My God Is the Sun” was a standout, with its intense rhythm and soaring guitar solos. The audience was entranced, caught up in the song’s powerful drive.

The band’s chemistry was evident. Each member brought their unique flair to the performance. Dean Fertita’s keyboard skills added depth to the sound. Michael Shuman’s bass lines were thunderous, driving the songs forward with relentless energy. Jon Theodore’s drumming was a force of nature, precise and explosive.

A highlight of the night was “Little Sister.” The song’s infectious beat had the crowd dancing and jumping. The band’s energy was contagious, spreading through the venue like wildfire. Homme’s stage presence was magnetic, commanding attention with every move.

Between songs, Homme engaged with the audience. His witty banter and genuine appreciation for the fans added a personal touch to the show. It felt like a shared experience, a night where the band and the audience were truly connected.

As the night drew to a close, Queens of the Stone Age played “Song for the Dead.” The epic finale left the crowd in awe. The thunderous applause and cheers echoed through The Armory, a testament to the band’s impact.

Queens of the Stone Age’s performance at The Armory was more than just a concert. It was a masterclass in rock music, a demonstration of their skill and passion. For those lucky enough to attend, it was a night that will be remembered for years to come.

Review and photos by Kyle Hansen