Better Lovers – The Fine Line – Minneapolis, MN – May 11th 2024

Better Lovers with SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Foreign Hands, and Greyhaven – The Fine Line – Minneapolis, MN – May 11th 2024

 Review and photos by Sophiea Owen

It was a good night for hardcore fans at the Fine Line last Saturday night. Better Lovers, what I’d call a supergroup containing members from Every Time I Die, The Dillinger Escape Plan, and Fit For An Autopsy, brought just a wall of sound, energy, and breakdowns to the tiny venue.

I haven’t been to too many hardcore shows, being really only familiar with The Dillinger Escape Plan from a show a long time ago, but I knew about what to expect, and I was not disappointed.

The night  started as quiet as a hardcore can start, with the room not being quite full; it was easy to make your way to the front. The opening act, Greyhaven, however, brought the energy in full and the crowd was easily swayed to get moving.

Second up was Foreign Hands, taking a more melodic approach to things but still very fierce, amped things up even more. They had more melodic aspects to their music but it was still very raucous.

The wild card of the night was SeeYouSpaceCowboy. Half of their songs were downright danceable, but with excruciatingly brutal breakdowns. I think I counted at least 20 high kicks during the whole set by all of the members; I was half worried about them getting knocked in the head. Their singer, Connie, was downright vicious on stage, and the crowd surfing and moshing was now at a head. They definitely stood out to me with a really unique take on the hardcore genre.

Starting out with a lovely and weird montage of love songs, Better Lovers took the stage to an immediate mosh pit. The whole place was moving. Being at the front was being asked to be pushed onto the stage. Crowdsurfers, headbangers, moshers all converged into one big writhing mass. I may not listen to much hardcore, but you cannot deny the energy that a hardcore crowd brings, and Better Lovers did not disappoint in that regard. It was heavy, it was brutal, I was bruised and battered by the time I left, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.