Tiesto – The Armory – Minneapolis MN – October 30th 2021
SIMshows and The Armory present Tiesto
Review and photos by Kyle Hansen
So I’ll start with I know nothing of EDM / DJ or House music it is not my thing. When I told my wife about Tiesto playing she got all excited. I asked ” Who is Tiesto?” I’m a metalhead, I know nothing of the EDM music. So she says You have to shoot the show. OK Let’s do it.
After approval I did some research and got ready for the show. I showed up about 2 hours before he went on to shoot the crowd shots. Now I know people dress up at these shows but being Halloween weekend it was off the hook. I think I may have been one of the only few not dressed up. While working the crowd Cristian Baca and Luis Torres entertained the crowd. It was really good. Lots of catchy beats and loud as hell. I saw so many great costumes. Elton John from LA in 75, Lady Light, lots of Pennywise, and Squid game were a few that stand out.
Tiesto came on right at midnight. I was planning on this as the party always start late and go to early morning. I have to say listening to him was really good. I have been to other EDM / DJ shows and found them ok. He really knows what he is doing. I would explain more but this was my first time listening to him. Jackie Chan was fun, Red Light was great, Business was another one. I enjoyed it so much when I got in my car on the way home I threw him on. I really enojyed I could tell the difference in each song. SOmetimes it just seems like the same song over and over and over. This is the best way I can describe him not being a EDM guy.
Now the stage show. Holy crap was that awesome. He has fireworks and pyro up front, lasers galore, smoke, two massive video screens he stood between, and more lights anyone could think of. All were excellent of course. We had to shoot from the crowd because of the pyro so i got the hang of stage shots cause thats more of what you want at a show like this. I did get close and get a few close ups. The night was amazing and If you want to have a good time go see Tiesto.
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