Steve Grimmet’s Grim Reaper – Route 47 – Fridley MN – September 4th 2019
Steve Grimmet’s Grim Reaper live at Route 47 Fridley MN brought to your by Viking Rocker Productions.
Trip 6 opened but I did not get there in time. Hopefully next time I will catch them.
Minneapolis metal legends Impaler were up next. They did there usual set of shock rock – blood spitting and wrestling acts in their show. I love seeing them, they have been entertaining us not for over 30 years.
After 32 years Grim Reaper has graced us with their presence. The last time they were here the Twins just won their first world series, Ronald Regan was still president and the stock market had the biggest crash since the great depression. To say things have changed since then would be an understatement. Some things don;’ change and that’s the love of heavy metal. That is what the folks of Minnesota and surrounding states showed them tonight. I talked to several people from out of state the farthest being from Minot North Dakota, 9 hours away.
They ripped up classics from all the way back in the beginning to their latest release Walking in the Shadows. Steve was in great spirits and did his best standing with his lost leg from last year. He did have to sit down from time to time because of it, but who cares they are here live! He was telling stories all night, joking with the crowd, telling the band ” See I told you it was worth it”. They did over 9 songs from See You In Hell and Rock You To Hell. The crowd was signing with every tune, banging their heads, yelling songs, buying the band beers, everything you want to see at a metal show. The band then hung out afterwards and talked to all the fans and signed everything everyone had.
I have been a casual fan since back in the day, but my friend Terry has waited his whole life to see these guys. I found out everyone there has waited their whole life to see these guys. I did see them back in 1987 at First Avenue. Funny how time goes by so fast. Hopefully we will get them back before another 32 years goes by.
For all things about TRIP 6 click HERE
All things Impaler click HERE
For Steve Grimmett’s Grim Reaper click HERE
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