Shinedown Live at Target Center – Minneapolis MN – April 30th 2023
93x and Live Nation present Shinedown live with special guests Three Days Grace and From Ashes to New
Review and photos by Kyle Hansen
On a very windy cold day it was nice to get a break and see a show. I love it when it is on a Sunday night. It like ending the week with a present. If I could I would be at a concert every night.
First up tonight was From Ashes to New. For a band that formed in 2013 they already have 3 full length albums under their belt and a new album Blackout coming in July. You can pre-order it here. They also have a ton of singles and ep’s .They got everyone going weven though they only had a seven song set. They know how to work the stage and go all over the place. I more modern heavy music style with a band and some tracks playing. They also have two singers one more a rap style with one that is more heavy. It is a good mix if you like that more modern music style. As my wife put it I could listen to these guys all day.
Setlist – Nightmare – Heartache – Hate Me Too – My Name – Panic – Crazy – Through It All
Three Days Grace was the middle band. They have been around for over two decades. It seems like they just started last year. Life is moving pretty fast. Best thing about this band is their work ethic. They are always touring and working on new music. Their latest release is EXPLOSIONS came out only last May. So they are still in the cycle of promoting that album. The bands seventh studio album. They did only do one song of the new album and kept the set to a more hits one. The band did not work the stage as much as Ashes but was still a delight to see. They did state during the show they have played the Target Center so many time they were move here. Which did introduce the song home. Now Brad on bass did work the stage and so did Matt the singer but for some reason Barry on guitar just hung in his space. Wish he would have come out to the crowd more. Overall they are always a great band to see live.
Setlist – So Called Life – Animal I Have Become – Home – Pain – Break – The Mountain – Painkiller – I Hate Everything About You – Never Too Late – Never Too Late Riot
I first saw Shinedown open for Van Halen in 2004 when they were on tout for their first release Leave A Whisper. As their look has changed their music has not. It just keeps getting better and better. Their latest release Planet Zero came out last July. I have had it in my car since it came out. Yes I still get cds and have them in my car, just because they sounds better than streaming. The album has everything you need from them, heavy tunes, radio hits and goos Shinedown music. Now their live show is always amazing. The stage is like a big T extending out into the crowd. We were based at the end of the stage which was great for photos. The band was top notch tonight. Coming out and taking it in for a minute before starting the show. They have always been very appreciative of what they have and make it know to everyone at their shows. I did do a private acoustic show with them for 93x before one of their shows once and they couldn’t have been more down to earth people. They have so much energy right off the bat. Diamond Eyes was the first tune and the band was inches from us at the end of the stage. We had to be spot on cause they were everywhere. Brent is always nice to us photogs and give us hi-fives every show. It is a cool move. Zach is one of those guys that never stop playing and I am so amazed he never misses anything. As far as I can tell. The stage is incredible. Huge screens in the back, pyro and sparks flying from under the stage and the top. The lights on the top come up and down and make it look different for each song. There is also a piano that come out the sky rafters. I would tell you more but you have to see it for yourself.
They always and have for two decades is the importance of mental health. This effects everyone. Be it yourself or friends or family.Now as it is a hard subject I agree it must be talked about. If you know someone or you yourself are effected by mental heath or suicidal thoughts. Call someone, talk to someone. Reach out cause there is someone who loves you and wants you to stay in the world.
This The setlist was a great mix of hits and their latest release. You get everything you would expect from them. Love em or hate, I love em, you can’t deny they put on one hell of a show.
Set list – Diamond Eyes – Dead Don’t Die – I’ll Follow You – Bully – Unity – If You Only Knew – State of My Head – Enemies – A Symptom of Being Human – Sound of MAdness – Planet Zero – 45 – Devil – Second Chance – Don’t Look Back in Anger – Daylight / Give Up – Simple Man – Monsters – Cut the Cord
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