Pantera – Resch Center – Green Bay WI – February 18th 2024
Live Nation and Resch Center present Pantera with special guests Lamb of God and Child Bite
Review and photos by Kyle Hansen
So while I was in London my buddy gets a hold of me and starts talking about the Pantera show in Green Bay. Then I start thinking this is totally doable the day after I get back. So put in the request and got approved to review and shoot the show. Out of all the times I have seen Pantera this as the first official time taking pictures. In the 90’s I was shooting but not as much as I do now.
So Child Bite was up first. I am not really sure how to explain this band. Crazy dudes with crazy music, I think that about covers it. There is no lack of energy and weirdness when it comes to this band. I did check them out after I got home and appreciated the music a lot more. It has punk, thrash and metal all mixed together. Check them out here.
Lamb of God has a following all their own and could have headlined the show. Now since the last time I saw them Randy has shaved his dreads off. He had them for so long it is kind of strange to see him with short hair. Now that does not change the band at all it is just hair. They still are the power house they have always been. The band has been together for over 20 years and still is so good. Sometimes people get burnt out and you can see it but man they still have it. The set list covered six of their nine albums. Hourglass, Laid to Rest and Now You’ve Got Something to Die For from Ashes of the Wake. Ruin and Virgil from As the Palaces Burn. Memento Mori and Resurrection Man from their self titled album. Walk With Me in Hell and Redneck dedicated to the Abbott brothers from Sacrament. Ditch from Omens and Contractor from Wrath. They will be on tour most of the summer so check here for all the dates. They will be back in Moorehead Minnesota on August 13th with Mastodon and Kerry King.
Now it is time for Pantera. Now there are many mixed feeling since they decided to do this version of it. I call it that since the brothers are no longer with us. I wanted to see it since I did see them many times in the 90’s. Plus you get to hear live Pantera music again!!! They did not let us down at all. We talked about all the times we saw them, stories of the shows, friends we made and all the crazy times. Right before they came on stage Zakk came running righ by us with a Hulk and Ultimate warrior figure. He had his phone out so he was doing some kid of reel. As I went into the pit to shoot I saw that the stage was only about four feet high. I couldn’t believe how straight on we were. It made for perfect photos. I can not hink of any other two people that could pull off being in Pantera. Vinnie and Dime were so unique no one can replace them. But to have Zakk and Charlie on stage for them is perfect.
They started the celebration with a video montage o f Dime and Vinnie. You can see most of this on the Pantera home videos of the 90’s. If you do not have these or have not watched them do yourself a favor and go now and watch them. Just a glimpse in what used to be on tour in the 90’s before all this social media. A New Level and Mouth of War from Vulgar Display of Power were the first two tunes. I can’t think of a better way to start a show. When that album first came out I had a promo copy about a month before it came out. My buddy played it non stop and we were hooked.
We also had Cowboys From Hell but Vulgar brought them up to another level. Strength Beyond Strength, Becoming, I’m Broken, and Suicide Note Part II were the middle of the set. Far Beyond Driven is an amazing album cause there is nothing else like it out there. I’m glad they did not ignore some of the best tunes on there. For the fans and for the legacy is the motto of the shows and it shows. They are doing justice to the name Pantera. I did see it last year at Rock Fest and it was kind of surreal. Did not really know what to think about it. But now in an arena with a proper show it is amazing. 5 Minutes Alone, This Love – which had some great pit moves, and Flood were next. Then Phil produced the song, yep WALK! People have waited years to just hear it live and get in the pit for it. Now was it the pit from the 90’s that was insane, no. But I did get on the side and do some video cause it was still fun. Cause everyone is a bit older it is not as insane as it was. Closing out the main set was Domination/ Hollow and Cowboys From Hell. Then closing it out was Fucking Hostile. One song that held metal together all throughout the grunge era.
If you have thought or feelings about them doing live shows again please go to the show. It is so wonderful to hear live Pantera again. Click HERE for all things Pantera.
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