Gear Daddies – First Avenue – Minneapolis MN – November 26th 2021
FIRST AVENUE presents The Gear Daddies
Review and photos by Kyle Hansen
It has been 688 days since I stepped into the main room. It was a great feeling to walk into venue. There were so many people smiling in line and talking about the lst time they were here or thanking their friends for bringing them. My first order of business was to go say hi to my favorite bartenders upstairs. We were all very happy to see each other. I got a beer and went down to the floor to suck in the atmosphere. It was great to see the place buzzing again.
It had been quite a while since I had seen The Gear Daddies and was excited to time travel. Listening to them brings me back to when I first heard them at Down in the Valley in the late 80’s. Reminds me of being at the record store and working with my old friends. So it’s like visiting an old friend. They sounded fantastic right off. the bat. Time Heals – She’s Happy – My Maria – Color Of Her Eyes – Zamboni – Heavy Metal Boyz – all the hits were there. Even covers of California Sun and Sweet Caroline. They play a few shows a year around MInnesota just make sure you get to one next year.
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