Fiddler on the Roof
Fiddler on the Roof – Orpheum Theater – Minneapolis MN – July 30th 2019
Fiddler On The Roof review – 7/30/19
The Orpheum, Minneapolis MN
Attending this classic has been a highlight for me since I was a child. I even had the chance to see Topol himself portray Tevye live on stage back in the day. The story, the music, the hard topics blend with a depth of humanity that brings together great elements of a great, timeless, story. This touring production fulfills all of these elements and with just as much heart and warmth as I have ever seen.
The set is noticeably like many set revisions I have been experiencing at shows recently. Clean lines with a very basic backset that allows the actors to truly create the experience instead of the scenery. Some very interesting, yet simple, elements were used to set up the different scenes. Simple plank walls on rollers spun and turned with the cast to create a visually exciting experience. The lighting and drop screens were also key to bringing a tone to the scenes. It all felt familiar yet fresh and clean at the same time.
The cast was on point! Tevye was played with just the right demeanor bringing the struggle of a man living with a deep sense of history and faith yet challenged with the changing world. His humor was delivered expertly and the pain felt real. Golde was strong and controlled bringing the family foundation to life. I could go on for days about all of the characters but the fact is they were excellent and all brought to stage the energy needed to round out the story of family and tradition. As always the haunting Fiddler captured the stage easily in a bright purple suit and beautiful violin.
The stand out of this performance was, in my opinion, the audience! What a pleasure it is to feel like you are in the scenes with the actors because organically the entire audience begins to participate! The engagement during the wedding scene, the whistle to a nightgowned Tevye, the singing along to the songs and the clapping and dancing at the encore just felt so familiar. Like we were all from Anatevka.
I have no criticisms to call out, it was a beautiful and well-presented production that had so much energy and love that it felt good just to be there with everyone. Thank you cast and crew. It was a pleasure!
Noted Cast:
Link to full cast: http://fiddlermusical.com/bios/
Runs through this Sunday August 4th, click HERE for tickets.
Review Amie Bresnehan
Fiddler Production Photo Credits
FiddlerTour0011r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0046r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0066r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0072r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0078r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0091r1: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour102r: Natalie Anne Powers, Mel Weyn & Ruthy Froch. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0116r: Yehezkel Lazarov. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0260r2: Yehezkel Lazarov, Jonathan Von Mering & the Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0269r: Carolyn Keller, Michael Hegarty, Maite Uzal & Yehezkel Lazarov. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0277r: Olivia Gjurich, Yehezkel Lazarov & the Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0315r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
FiddlerTour0730r: The Cast of Fiddler on the Roof. Photo by Joan Marcus.
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